Friday, October 17, 2014


I am currently reading a book entitled THE ONE THING by Gary Keller (With Jay Papasan). I must say that this book is a must read for anyone truly serious about attaining great heights in any area of life and achieving one's set goals. However, the truth that this book teaches is nothing new. It is not a groundbreaking, recently-realised truth. It is a truth that has been around for ages and has been utilised by people of years gone by who have achieved great success. People like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and corporations like Apple, Coca Cola and Pepsi. These people and corporations realise that the attainment of resounding success is a function of the ability of the pursuer or seeker of success to focus on The One Thing. This is an incontestable truth.

The disciplined channelling of all your energies into one endeavour or closely-related group of endeavours is the surest route to the attainment of success. The only way to experience a Breakthrough is to keep hitting or chipping at an obstacle until you BREAK THROUGH. Focus and Persistence are key. Today, I read somewhere that 80% of what is needed  to achieve success is simply turning up, in other words Persistence. Publilius Syrus was of the opinion that "To do two things at once is to do neither" and this addresses the need for focus or concentration on a particular goal or objective.

Do you know your one thing; the one thing that you should be focused on and working towards achieving? The one thing that when done will set-up a chain reaction (domino effect) that will lead to the achievement of much greater feats (even things not among your goals)? As I read on, I will endeavour to share more insights - and remind those who already know these things - gained from this book. Seek out your one thing daily and have a lovely, fruitful day.

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