Since my late teens I have had friends look at me and say "I am too fat, I wish I had a body like yours" or " See how skinny my arms and chest are. I wish I were big like you". I always told them- and still tell them- "All you have to do is start exercising and bodybuilding". What kind of answer have they always given me? "Oh I will definitely do that but I don't have time at the moment due to school work...... As soon as I graduate from the university I will start" After graduation what excuse do they give me? "Oh, I just graduated and I am busy looking for a job right now. I will start after I get a job". After they get a job, the excuse predictably switches to "Oh I'm too busy with work right now. Maybe when I get promoted and have more time for myself" or "Maybe I will hit the gym when I start my own company." These are just the excuses of the lazy, of ineffective people, of failures. They NEVER START!
Success requires vision, commitment(dedication), determination, hard work and a WHOLE LOT OF DISCIPLINE. Vision: You need to have a clear picture of the basic status you want to achieve (I say basic because it can be surpassed with time). You need to be committed to the achievement of the desired state of affairs and this commitment will most definitely breed determination to succeed regardless of whatever odds you encounter and enable you put in the requisite hard work for success. However, to stay on the never-ending path or journey which we call success (it is NOT A DESTINATION as there are always greater heights and territories to be conquered), the traveler (the individual trying to achieve a goal) needs to be disciplined.
It is discipline that enables an individual to drag him or herself to the gym in very terrible weather (having just gotten back from work a few minutes ago). It takes discipline to do a 40 minute session with your set of dumb bells when you would much rather watch tv. It takes discipline to forgo that burger and coca cola you would to have for a snack and choose the healthy option of a salad and mineral water. It takes discipline to pick up that mathematics or biology textbook and do some serious solving or reading when your friends are all going out for a drink or a game of football. On innumerable occasions discipline has seen me through and past challenges.
The importance of discipline cannot be over-emphasised on the issue of success.
(To be continued)